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Newly expanded store/equipment!
Are you looking to get the perfect color without hassling with tanning in the sun or on a bed? Consider spray tanning for effortless, beautiful tanned skin. Our luxurious tanning studio in Colorado Springs, CO, has all of the necessary products and skills to help you reach your preferred level of tan.
Don’t hesitate to achieve the tan you have always dreamt of, visit us today to learn more!
With the precision of airbrushing, you can receive a high-quality spray tan that is quick and gorgeous on your skin. We will help you choose your tan’s color so that it looks both natural and perfect on with your skin’s natural tone.
Our technicians are highly experienced in spray tanning. They understand your needs and are more than happy to help you with any questions that you may have. We strive to bring you the best quality spray tan possible. With Tan Your Hide, you can achieve a gorgeous, natural-looking tan with none of the effort involved.
Don’t just take our word for it, come in today to learn more about the process or to schedule an appointment with one of our professional tanning experts. Visit our locations page to find the location nearest you.
Stetson Hills
5994 Stetson Hills Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80923
Newly expanded store/equipment!
S. Murray & Academy
1976 South Murray, CS, CO 80916
Moved location, see website for closest one to you