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Receiving a tan is a great way to increase to enhance your unique features. Traditional UV tanning—whether from the sun or a tanning bed—is a great way to get a natural-looking tan that will last. However, you also have other options in case you want a customized look.
Tan Your Hide is a studio and spa service facility that is ready and willing to provide the residents of Lone Tree, CO, and the surrounding areas with expert airbrush tanning services. Continue reading to learn more about our tanning services.
We can provide you an unbelievably customizable airbrush tanning experience so you will always get the right hue for your body and style goals. We can customize the color of our airbrush tanning equipment to find that specific color that will raise your confidence.
For other tanning options, consider using our Mystic HD tanning service that allows for a heated sunless tan quickly and naturally. Another incredible option would be our VersaSpa® PRO Spray Tan System. Explore our site to learn more.
You don’t have to put up with a skin tone that you don’t truly care for, even in the bleakest of storms that block sunlight completely. To book your appointment with us, contact us today by calling
Stetson Hills
5994 Stetson Hills Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80923
Newly expanded store/equipment!
S. Murray & Academy
1976 South Murray, CS, CO 80916
Moved location, see website for closest one to you